What is Glow Plug Failure?

 While providing information on understanding the glow plug failure, it is stated that the fault that causes the vehicle's fuel system to operate inefficiently is the glow plug failure, and it is noticed after the vehicle has difficulty starting in the morning. When the glow plug failure occurs, the vehicle may not start at all in cold weather. If it is observed that smoke is thrown from the exhaust, the engine malfunction lamp is on, the vehicle is running jerky and knocking, a glow plug failure has occurred. If the vehicle has low power, if the glow plug warning lamp comes on frequently if the vehicle is driven, a malfunction has developed.

How to Check for Glow Plug Failure? Things to do to check for glow plug failure: The fuse is checked when the vehicle ignition is on. It is checked whether there is 12 volt electricity to the relay. It is checked whether 12 volts electrical current flows through the glow plug. If there is an electrical current below 12 volts, a fault has occurred. How Does a Glow Plug Failure Affect the Vehicle? Effects of glow plug failure on the vehicle: During long crank starts, the battery drains quickly. The starters begin to overstrain the engine, increasing the risk of engine failure. The vehicle starts very hard or does not start at all when the engine is cold. Adequate ride quality cannot be obtained. Malfunctions may occur in the relay and fuse in the glow plug. Short circuits may occur in the vehicle due to the effect of glow plug failure. What is Glow Plug Relay and Fuse Failure? Glow plug relay, fuse failures are failures that develop in the preheater section, causing short circuits. Some vehicle types have a metal bar fuse type. A glow plug failure occurs when these fuses blow or corrode. In the event of a glow plug failure, the fuse should also be checked. If the fuse has blown, it should be determined why it has blown, and if there is a problem in the installation, it should be fixed. If a complete replacement is required, the appropriate amperage fuse must be fitted to the vehicle.
